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Finding Your Ikigai: The Japanese Concept of Purpose

Finding Your Ikigai: Your life's purpose, and unlock a more fulfilling life.

Have you found your sense of purpose?

Our unique concept, the DNA of Flourishing, understands wellness and purpose as two tightly wound strands of the same string – without purpose, your wellness cannot reach its highest potential, and vice versa.

One concept of purpose originating in Japan, called ikigai, seeks to define your sense of purpose and help you to incorporate it into your everyday life.

How Do I Find My Ikigai?

The term ikigai originates in Japan. Its most direct translation is “reason to live”, but the concept it represents carries a much deeper meaning.

Your ikigai is an activity which brings meaning to your life, fulfils your purpose, and allows you to flourish.

Western scholars have conceptualised ikigai as comprising of four key parts:

  1. What you love.
  2. What the world needs.
  3. What you can get paid for.
  4. What you’re good at.

Where all four of these parts converge is said to be the path to your fulfilment.

This activity is not necessarily the only thing you need to live a fulfilling life, but ikigai practitioners use this formula to guide and inform them towards living with purpose.

This Venn diagram shows how each section intersects:

When searching for your ikigai, it may be easier to take these intersections one at a time, investigating your mission, vocation, profession, and passion first.

Finding Your Ikigai: Your life's purpose, and unlock a more fulfilling life.
Finding Your Ikigai: Your life’s purpose, and unlock a more fulfilling life

The Scientifically Proven Benefits of Ikigai

Is there scientific evidence for the existence of ikigai?

Perhaps unsurprisingly, yes, there is!

A large analysis in 2021 explored previous research on the health benefits of ikigai and collated the results. They found consistent evidence that a sense of ikigai is related to good physical health, and that it may even be protective of future health problems.

The researchers conducting this analysis suggested that developing a sense of ikigai can also benefit psychological health through the improvement of self-understanding, goal setting and achieving, and problem-solving skills. They even suggest that healthcare workers could use the concept of ikigai to enhance the wellbeing of people in their care.

The Long Term Impact of Ikigai

One of the studies they analysed was a huge scale piece of research undertaken in Japan, involving over 40,000 participants and spanning 7 years. The researchers in this study measured the participants’ sense of ikigai, then observed their risk of mortality.

What they found was astounding – participants who did not express a sense of ikigai were at significantly higher risk of cardiovascular disease, and they were more likely to experience fatal accidents. In fact, participants without a sense of ikigai were at an increased risk of mortality overall.

Ikigai in the UK

In 2019, researchers attempted to translate Japanese measurements of Ikigai into English and find out whether it could be applied in the United Kingdom. They found that ikigai was able to predict more positive mental wellbeing and lower scores on depression scales. This demonstrated that the concept of ikigai could be translated not only into the English language, but also into British culture and, potentially, to Western culture as a whole.

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Tips from Ikigai Experts: The Five Pillars of Ikigai

Finding your ikigai requires time, patience, and reflection. Consider each of the four sections in turn, then try to understand where your answers may intersect.

Japanese scientist Ken Mogi, author of The Litte Book of Ikigai and Awakening Your Ikigai: How the Japanese Wake Up to Joy, suggests 5 “pillars” of ikigai that can support you on your ikigai journey. These are:

Starting small

Making big changes may feel exciting, but they can be more difficult to implement and maintain. Start with small, easy changes, which will build over time to gradually create greater change.

Releasing yourself

Your ikigai is unique – just like you. Try not to think about how you and your values might compare to others, and focus instead on what feels authentic to you alone.

Harmony and sustainability

Consider how your actions impact others and the environment around you. A key part of finding your ikigai is understanding how you might align with the wider world.

The joy of little things

By paying attention to small things which bring you joy, you create a small moment of happiness. Ken suggests that starting the day with something small and enjoyable, like a good cup of tea, is a core element of experiencing contentment and, therefore, ikigai.

Being in the here and now

Ken believes that being in the present helps you to connect with your inner child, as children tend not to worry about the past or future. Connecting with your inner child can enhance creativity, flexibility, and freedom, and encourages a constant state of learning – all things that can help you to understand your ikigai.

Finding Your Purpose with Ikigai

Your sense of purpose is fluid and changeable throughout your life – ikigai encourages you to embrace yourself and your purpose in the present.

In this way, finding your ikigai is a continuously evolving journey of self-discovery.

When your sense of purpose is strong, it supports your overall wellness. Together, your wellness and your purpose create the DNA of Flourishing, allowing you to reach your potential and live your most fulfilled life.

Take a few moments to reflect on your ikigai: does your lifestyle meet all four of its requirements? Do you feel aligned with the five pillars of ikigai?

Just taking this time could be the beginning of your ikigai journey – take this step towards a deeper sense of purpose today.

Finding Your Ikigai: Your life's purpose, and unlock a more fulfilling life.
Finding Your Ikigai


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